Thursday, September 5, 2013

Who am I, really?

Let's give some more information and background about "moi", myself, Denise.
Obviously, I just gave you my name. Nice to meet you, reader.
Once again, thanks for taking the time.

I was born now 30 years ago in a small city by the River Po, in Italy. I was a happy baby, a very fast learner. Could talk by month 6 and walk by month 9. I have always found patience rather boring, although - now that I am older in life - I wish I had more of it. I pretty much just go for things.

A few years later, my family moved in an ever smaller town, in the province of Rovigo. About 3,000 souls. That's where I spent most of my life, so far. About a third of it to be exact.

Growing up, I pursued scientific studies during High School and changed my mind when time came around for college; obtaining a masters in Organizational Communication with emphasis in Advertising.

As silly as it might sound, it gave me the opportunity to win a few scholarships and study abroad in the US; hence why I am ultimately here based in Los Angeles.

I currently work as a media strategist for one of the major online ad networks out there, and I am part of that group of people that contribute to spamming your life with online ads, pages that moves, and videos that play before the content you truly want to watch. But hey! I could be doing worse in life, I am not dealing drugs or killing people, and advertising can do good (sometimes)... plus it keeps the Internet free... so it's a double edge sword. You can bitch about it as much as you like it, but admit it: our society lives on advertising like it or not... and some ads are actually cool. Just a few of them lately, regardless some are.

In my free time I play Capoeira. I got to learn about this beautiful martial art in 2005 when I was studying at UCSB, and I fell in love. If you ever have the occasion, you should try it. It is very spiritual and liberating, and it just looks so beautiful... However, that is another subject. Maybe we can talk about this some other times.

I like chocolate, and strawberries. Strawberries in particular. I could eat kilograms of them. Matter of fact, I remember once when I was about 8 or 9 I had a LOT of strawberries, a full mixing size type of bowl full of them! So delicious... but after a while my skin started hitching. It was the only time it happened thank God, because for a second there, I really thought I could not eat strawberries for the rest of my life. I can... I just have to try not to eat 3 kilograms at once.

As you probably noticed already, I am a pretty random person. I just follow my train of thoughts and talk a lot. I hope you don't mind, dear reader.

I like the colors red and green. I own two cats, Baby and Penelope, and a little miniature pincher called Dido. She is a trip.

I practice Reiki, I will go into the subject more as I do meditate and put positive energy into my creations and also create pendolums. We will expand on the subject one of these days.

For now, it's getting close to time for me to go to sleepy town and get some rest before work tomorrow.

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